2023-07-03 17:48:19 来源: 互联网
Dear Utahloy International School Zengcheng Community,
Great news! The digital copy of the Utahloy International School Zengcheng 2022/23 Yearbook is now available! We would like to express our sincere thanks to the entire community.
UISZ 2022/23年年鉴的电子版现已面世! 我们要向整个誉德莱社区的成员表示衷心的感谢,感恩大家的默默贡献和无私奉献。
I want to express my deepest gratitude to every student, parent, teacher, and staff member who has played a part in making this year truly remarkable. Your unwavering dedication and commitment have made a significant impact on the success and growth of our school.
As we celebrate the achievements captured within the Yearbook, let us also look forward to another successful year ahead. Together, we will continue to create a nurturing environment where every student can thrive and reach their full potential.
Wishing you all a fantastic journey through the digital Yearbook and a future filled with continued success.
Best regards,
Candice Kang
Head of Marketing
Utahloy International School Zengcheng
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